拾夢者的記憶伏流 “恆春”
為打破人們過往對聲音質地的既有認知,喚起那些不被我們所察覺卻一直潛存的感知, WhiteMoon設計了一場結合聲音、呼吸和文字的沈浸式體驗工作坊「拾夢者的記憶伏流」。
這是一首致獻給恆春半島的情歌 也是為古老土地上的人們所譜寫的夢の搖籃曲 整場沈浸式工作坊體驗,是以 Jez 採集而來的恆春震盪聲響作為底層基調,佐以阿嬤的鄉音傳唱揭露半島憶情,依循 Kayo 的詩句引領,參與者將從被動聆聽,進入半島的古老夢鄉,意識將如夢似幻地消弭至潛意識最深處。
#一期一會 感謝的人好多好多, 特別感謝 火箭人實驗室 Launcher Lab 搭起的美妙橋樑, 讓我們有機會入駐恆春、認識恆春無以名狀之美。 以及 #恆春民謠 的 #黃卻銀 阿姨與 #滿州民謠 的 #謝綿卿 阿姨, 用生命積累唱出如此深刻動人的歌。
The Lullaby of the Low-frequency Vibrations of Hengchun Ancient City
is designed to break people's perceptions of sound quality and awaken those that have always been present but unnoticed by us. The Asus team has created an immersive experience workshop called "The Flowing Undercurrent of the Dreamers' Memories", which combines sound, breath, and text.
This is a love song dedicated to the Hengchun Peninsula and also
a lullaby composed for the people on this ancient land. The entire immersive workshop experience is based on the vibrating sounds of Hengchun collected by Jez as the underlying theme, accompanied by the grandmothers' folk songs revealing the peninsula's memories. Guided by Kayo's poems, participants will transition from passive listening to entering the ancient dreamland of the peninsula, and their consciousness will dissolve into the depths of the subconscious as if in a dream.
Once-in-a-lifetime There are so many people to thank, especially the wonderful bridge built by Launcher Lab, which has allowed us to settle in Hengchun and discover its indescribable beauty. And to Aunt Huang Que-yin of Hengchun Folk Songs and Aunt Xie Mian-qing of Manzhou Folk Songs, who have sung such profound and moving songs through a lifetime of accumulation.